Donate to the MMTA Foundation

General Donation  Donate

Incorporated separately from MMTA, the MMTA Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization.  Your donation helps fund the many awards and grants given to MMTA students and teachers.

“Thank you MMTA Foundation for offering me the opportunity to share music with other music teachers and talented students. I appreciate the award I received from the MMTA Foundation.”

- Kimberly Shen (Junior Young Artist Winner 2015)

Compose a Tribute Donate

Gifts to the MMTA Foundation can be made to honor or memorialize a special person or event in your life. Recognizing a wedding, anniversary, birthday, or retirement with a personalized tribute gift both honors your loved one and at the same time, benefits the Foundation.

Compose a Legacy Donate

By leaving a legacy through planned giving, your contribution can help create an orchestra of support for a more musical tomorrow. The most common planned gift is a bequest in a will. Other assets such as life insurance, remainder trusts, gifts of securities and charitable gift annuities can benefit MMTAF while allowing tax benefits to the donor.

Contact for more information. All gifts are eligible for tax deductions as allowable by law.