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Parents and non-members are welcome to order all MMTA products (except for Challenge Awards, which are to be ordered by member teachers based on their records of student activities; MMTA reserves the right to ask a teacher to provide documentation of points earned upon request).

Aural examples for Theory Exams are available as a free download. Look for the level of the book a student is working on, then click the Zip file icon(s) to download. Need instructions for opening a Zip file? Read about how to open the file.

  • Sightplaying Exam Syllabus (2002)

    The Sightplaying Syllabus provides an overview for Sightplaying Exams (one part of the Comprehensive Piano Exam that may be taken separately), followed by six sections outlining the proficiency requirements for each exam level.

  • Sightplaying Workbook Prep Level

    This workbook provides practice exercises to use when preparing for the Prep Level Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Prep Level Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Sightplaying Workbook Level 1

    This workbook provides practice exercises to use when preparing for the Level 1 Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Level 1 Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Sightplaying Workbook Level 2

    This workbook provides practice exercises to use when preparing for the Level 2 Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Level 2 Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Sightplaying Workbook Level 3

    This workbook provides practice exercises to use when preparing for the Level 3 Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Level 3 Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Sightplaying Workbook Level 4

    This workbook provides practice exercises to use when preparing for the Level 4 Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Level 4 Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Sightplaying Workbook Level 5

    This workbook provides practice exercises to use when preparing for the Level 5 Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Level 5 Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Sightplaying Workbook Level 6

    This workbook provides practice exercises to use when preparing for the Level 6 Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Level 6 Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Sightplaying Sample Tests

    Teachers may use this collection of sample test to assist students preparing for the Sightplaying Exam or the sightplaying portion of the Comprehensive Piano Exam.

  • Popular Styles Workbook Level 1

    This workbook provides the student with practice exercises to use when preparing for the Popular Styles Exam Level 1. It also serves as a resource for the student to use during the exam.

  • Popular Styles Workbook Level 2

    This workbook provides the student with practice exercises to use when preparing for the Popular Styles Exam Level 2. It also serves as a resource for the student to use during the exam.

  • Popular Styles Workbook Level 3

    This workbook provides the student with practice exercises to use when preparing for the Popular Styles Exam Level 3. It also serves as a resource for the student to use during the exam.

  • Popular Styles Workbook Level 4

    This workbook provides the student with practice exercises to use when preparing for the Popular Styles Exam Level 4. It also serves as a resource for the student to use during the exam.

  • Style Characteristics Chart

    This crisp wall chart outlines characteristics of eras in Western Music. Help students prepare for the oral questions section of upper-level comprehensive piano exams by displaying this chart in your studio.

  • Theory Exam Syllabus (2015)

    The Theory Syllabus Provides a program overview for MMTA Theory Exams. Eight sections outline the proficiency requirements for each exam level.

  • Keyboard Skills Levels Prep-3

    This book shows scales and other keyboard exercises written out as students are to perform them during their Piano Exam (or Keyboard Skills exam if that exam is taken separately.)   The Prep Level and Level 1 examples have the added feature of keyboard diagrams that help the student connect the sound and physical patterns with the visual patterns on the keyboard. 

    An addendum is available for this book - please make sure to read the updates carefully so students are prepared for their exam.

  • Keyboard Skills Levels 4-6

    This book shows scales and other keyboard exercises written out as students are to perform them during their Piano Exam (or Keyboard Skills exam if that exam is taken separately.)

    An addendum is available for this book - please make sure to read the updates carefully so students are prepared for their exam.

  • Piano Exam Syllabus (2020)

    The Piano Exam Syllabus provides an overview for Comprehensive Piano Exams, followed by sections outlining the repertoire and proficiency requirements for each exam level.

    A Diversity Addendum has now been added to the Piano Exam Syllabus.

  • Resource Book (2020)

    This list organizes Piano Exam repertoire by collection or anthology to assist in repertoire selection.

    A sortable spreadsheet of the material in this book is available after this item has been purchased.  Contact the MMTA Office to request access.

    A Diversity Addendum has now been added to the Piano Exam Syllabus.

  • Piano Exam Preparation Book (2020)

    This resources includes sample tests and a reproducible student check-off chart for each level to help monitor progress in preparation for piano syllabus exams.
